Professor Yingyao Hu

Senior Consultant

Dr. Yingyao Hu is Professor of Economics at Johns Hopkins University. His research interests include econometrics, empirical industrial organization, and labor economics. Particularly, Hu’s research focuses on the nonparametric identification and estimation of measurement error models, mixture models, panel data model with fixed effects or unobserved covariates, and, generally, microeconomic models with latent variables. In empirical industrial organization, he works on unobserved heterogeneity in auction models, dynamic models with unobserved state variables, belief updating in learning models, estimation of production functions, and dynamic discrete choice with subjective belief. In labor economics, he investigates the impact of hurricanes on the fertility on the east coast of the United States, re-estimates the US unemployment rates after correcting the self-reporting errors in the Current Population Survey, and provides reliable estimates of China’s unemployment rates in a long period.

Hu has published in many leading journals in economics and statistics, such as American Economic Review, Econometrica, and Journal of the American Statistical Association. Hu is fellow of the Journal of Econometrics and has been involved in many professional activities, including serving on the editorial boards of several academic journals.



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